February 12, 2008

想培養氣質?請踴躍前往聆賞雅慧指揮的音樂會!YaHui's Concert Welcomes Everyone!


時間:2月15日(周五) 晚間7點
地點:Alice Millar Chapel, Evanston (鄰近Arch,有彩繪玻璃的教堂)
  1. 羅西尼,"鵲賊" 序曲
  2. 聶魯達,降E大調小號協奏曲
  3. 柴可夫斯基,羅密歐與茱麗葉,幻想序曲
Yahui Cheng, a student of Victor Yampolsky, in the Conducting master program of School of Music will have her first concert in Evanston soon. We welcomes each and everyone of you to go there enjoy her music and to show our support!

What: Conducting Recital
Time: Friday, February 15th 7:00 pm
Place: Alice Millar Chapel (near the Arch, the chapel with tempered glass)
Admission: Free!

  1. G. Rossini, La Gazza Ladra : Overture
  2. J. B. G. Neruda, Concerto for Trumpet and Strings
    Noah Lambert ‐ Trumpet
  3. P. I. Tchaikovsky, Romeo and Julie, Fantasy-Overture after Shakespeare.

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會長 白凱文 Kevin Pai
副會長 葉世萱 Angela Yeh
副會長 賴建宇 Devon Lai
財務 Ruth Hen
公關 夏聖博 Jeff