February 17, 2008

台灣學生筱玫編導的文革舞台劇西北校園登場!"Enemies of the People" Adapted & Directed by Hsiao-Mei

就讀於本校表演研究所博五的謝筱玫同學將要舉辦由她擔綱編導的舞台劇"Enemies of the People"囉~

時間:2月22日(周五)晚間8點;23(周六) 午間2點、晚間8點
地點:Struble Theater
(實驗劇場規模。在 Theater and Interpretation Center 的建築裡。
1949 Campus Drive。在Norris Center旁邊。入口 跟 Norris Center大門是朝同一方向)
舞台設計也很酷,是前西北校友 Dora 的老公Carl Johnson設計的,他在西北教布景繪製,也在台大客座過。舞台將出現一大幅毛澤東的畫像, and...

The Department of Performance Studies
Northwestern University presents

ENEMIES OF THE PEOPLE: Voices of the Chinese Cultural Revolution

Adapted and directed by Hsiao-Mei Hsieh (A Taiwanese student in her PhD program)
Scene Design: Carl Johnson
Music Design: Tamara Roberts
Stage Manager: Jingyang Cheng
Featuring: Jisoo Chung, Raffaele Furno, Alison M. Lynch, Kacin Menendez, Benton Persons,
Christopher Strauss, and Joseph Stein

Time: Friday February 22, 8:00 pm
Staturday, Feburary 23, 2:00 and 8:00 pm
Place: Mussetter-Struble Theatre (1949 Campus Drive, Northwestern University)
Admission: $5

February 12, 2008

想培養氣質?請踴躍前往聆賞雅慧指揮的音樂會!YaHui's Concert Welcomes Everyone!


時間:2月15日(周五) 晚間7點
地點:Alice Millar Chapel, Evanston (鄰近Arch,有彩繪玻璃的教堂)
  1. 羅西尼,"鵲賊" 序曲
  2. 聶魯達,降E大調小號協奏曲
  3. 柴可夫斯基,羅密歐與茱麗葉,幻想序曲
Yahui Cheng, a student of Victor Yampolsky, in the Conducting master program of School of Music will have her first concert in Evanston soon. We welcomes each and everyone of you to go there enjoy her music and to show our support!

What: Conducting Recital
Time: Friday, February 15th 7:00 pm
Place: Alice Millar Chapel (near the Arch, the chapel with tempered glass)
Admission: Free!

  1. G. Rossini, La Gazza Ladra : Overture
  2. J. B. G. Neruda, Concerto for Trumpet and Strings
    Noah Lambert ‐ Trumpet
  3. P. I. Tchaikovsky, Romeo and Julie, Fantasy-Overture after Shakespeare.

February 11, 2008

政大、輔大校友會聚會Upcoming NCCU and FJU Alumni Gathering

政治大學與輔仁大學芝加哥校友會聚會將於2月24日下午兩點至五點舉開,有意願參與的校友們請盡快預約參與,若不知道相關聯絡方式請洽Adam Hsu( envily@gmail.com)詢問。及早聯繫才便於代於安排交通喔!




There will be a NCCU and FJU alumni gathering on 2/24 14:00~17:00. If you want to join them and haven't reserve, please do it now. For the respondents, please email to Adam Hsu.( envily@gmail.com). This is the last call because we are trying to arrange pickup. If you need any additional information, please email to Adam ASAP!

Also, please include me your

Chinese Name:
English Name:
Attend or Not:
Have or car ( Capacity):
Phone Number:

So that we can get it down smoothly. We need your participation. Thanks.

February 10, 2008

IMC同學敬邀大家參與"Grad-U-Date"活動 IMC Program Invite You to "Grad-U-Date"

  • 活動內容: 快來參與競標!人人都有機會可以跟某位帥哥或美女開心暢談一晚喔~
  • 時間: 2月12日 (周二) 8pm- 11pm
  • 地點: Rhythm Room Bar and Bistro- 2 floor @ Century 12 Theatre
    (1715 Maple Ave)
  • 建議門票: $5
  • 主辦單位: Journal of Integrated Marketing Communications(JIMC), 2008
  • 型態: 募款活動

JIMC敬邀大家參與Grad-u-date活動!假Evanston downtown電影院二樓辦理的這項活動將給予參與者競標與台上帥哥/美女約會一次的機會。或者你也可以來小酌一番,感受周圍同學們競標的熱烈氣氛。你不會願意錯過這個如此有趣的夜晚的!有幾位台灣學生會的成員將會上台接受競標喔!好奇他們是誰嗎?來了就知道!



  • What: Bid on a cute guy/girl for "One night only"
  • When: 2/12 (Tue) @ 8pm- 11pm
  • Where: Rhythm Room Bar and Bistro- 2 floor @ Century 12 Theatre
    (1715 Maple Ave)
  • Suggested Donation: $5
  • Host: Journal of Integrated Marketing Communications, 2008
  • Type: Fundraiser

JIMC invites you to Grad-u-date.

This exciting event will take place in the Rhythm Room Bar and Bistro located in the Evanston Century 12 movie theatre. So come bid on a cute guy or girl and if you're the highest bidder you will win the date as well as a free night out on the town. Or just come enjoy the event to have drinks and watch others bid. You do not want to miss out on an entertaining event like this. There are some ROCSA members who will be on stage for bidding. Curious about who they are? Come and find out! There is a suggested donation of $5, with all proceeds benefit the Journal of Integrated Marketing Communications.

We hope to see all of you there!

February 4, 2008

Upcoming Events from TASC&CSA

Our beloved "Unders" (TASC & CSA - NU's undergrads) are holding two exciting events in the coming weeks, hopefully most, if not all, will be able to attend these events and support them!

What: Celebrating Chinese new year "Under" style
When: 2/9 (Sat) @ 7pm
Where: Ryan Auditorium (tech building)
Damage: $5

ITASA (see http://www.itasa.org/2008/midwest/Northwestern/about.htm for more information)
What: ITASA stands for Intercollegiate Taiwanese American Student Association, basically, for a weekend, you'll get to meet other Taiwanese Americans from schools in the vicinity and attend workshops to learn more about Asians in the society (especially in the US) and their industries, and whanot. For those of you who's never been to one of these, it's a great networking event and you'll meet tons of people and most importantly, have fun.
When: 4/4 - 4/6 (Friday - Sunday) starting at 8am for registration
Where: Evanston campus (mainly in Norris Center)
Damage: $30/person
This event is VERY VERY fun!! Great for meeting new people!!

If you guys have any questions regarding these events, please feel free to contact Sindy.

Happy Lunar new year everyone!

February 1, 2008




First, thanks to everyone who came to the hotpot dinner for the new Rat year! For those who did not get the red envelopes, don't be discouraged! Best of luck this year. For those who got the envelopes, hopefully you'll have the same luck every year!
Here, we would like to apologize for not informing you that you needed to find your own transportation, causing many's inconvenience. ROCSA apologizes for this confusion, we'll be sure to make it clearer in the future.
Once again, ROCSA would like to wish everyone a very happy Rat year! Doesn't matter if you attended the hotpot dinner or not, ROCSA will always care about you and hope that you will feel the warmth of family even though you're so far away from home.
ROCSA cares!


會長 白凱文 Kevin Pai
副會長 葉世萱 Angela Yeh
副會長 賴建宇 Devon Lai
財務 Ruth Hen
公關 夏聖博 Jeff