時間:2月22日(周五)晚間8點;23(周六) 午間2點、晚間8點
地點:Struble Theater
(實驗劇場規模。在 Theater and Interpretation Center 的建築裡。
1949 Campus Drive。在Norris Center旁邊。入口 跟 Norris Center大門是朝同一方向)
舞台設計也很酷,是前西北校友 Dora 的老公Carl Johnson設計的,他在西北教布景繪製,也在台大客座過。舞台將出現一大幅毛澤東的畫像, and...
The Department of Performance Studies
Northwestern University presents
ENEMIES OF THE PEOPLE: Voices of the Chinese Cultural Revolution
Adapted and directed by Hsiao-Mei Hsieh (A Taiwanese student in her PhD program)
Scene Design: Carl Johnson
Music Design: Tamara Roberts
Stage Manager: Jingyang Cheng
Featuring: Jisoo Chung, Raffaele Furno, Alison M. Lynch, Kacin Menendez, Benton Persons,
Christopher Strauss, and Joseph Stein
Time: Friday February 22, 8:00 pm
Staturday, Feburary 23, 2:00 and 8:00 pm
Place: Mussetter-Struble Theatre (1949 Campus Drive, Northwestern University)
Admission: $5