October 25, 2008

Participants Needed: [CAERDA] IES Data Training Workshops in January 2009

The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) and National Center for Special Education Research (NCSER) at the Institute of Education Sciences (IES), U.S. Department of Education are sponsoring three data training workshops in January 2009. The training workshops are held in Washington, DC. Applicants who are interested in attending these workshops should apply before the November deadlines (see below).

There is no fee to attend these workshops. IES will provide training materials as well as computers for the hands-on practice. IES also will pay for transportation, hotel accommodations, and a fixed per diem for meals and incidental expenses during the training seminar.

1. Using the ECLS-B Database for Research and Policy Discussion (ECLS-B Database Training) (NCES)

Description: The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), Institute of Education Sciences, U.S. Department of Education, will sponsor a 3-day advanced studies seminar on the use of the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Birth Cohort (ECLS-B) database. The ECLS-B is designed to support research on a wide range of topics pertaining to young children’s cognitive, social, emotional, and physical development and their health status across multiple contexts (e.g., home, child care, and kindergarten).

Type: Workshop/Training & Technical Assistance
Audience: This seminar is open to advanced graduate students and faculty members from colleges and universities nationwide and to researchers, education practitioners, and policy analysts from federal, state, and local education and human services agencies and professional associations.

Location: Academy for Educational Development (AED), 1825 Connecticut Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20009-5721, (202) 884-8583

Dates: January 7-9, 2009
Application deadline: November 13, 2008
For further information, please visit: http://ies.ed.gov/whatsnew/conferences/?id=377

2. Using the Pre-Elementary Education Longitudinal Study (PEELS) Database for Research and Policy Discussion (NCSER)

Description: The National Center for Special Education Research (NCSER), Institute of Education Sciences, U.S. Department of Education, will sponsor a 3-day advanced studies seminar on the use of the Pre-Elementary Education Longitudinal Study (PEELS) database. The PEELS study is designed to collect information on the characteristics of children receiving preschool special education, their educational programs and services, and their transitions from preschool programs to elementary schools.

Type: Workshop/Training & Technical Assistance
Audience: This seminar is open to advanced graduate students and faculty members from colleges and universities nationwide and to researchers, education practitioners, and policy analysts from federal, state, and local education and human services agencies and professional associations.

Location: Washington, DC Applicants will be sent information about meeting and lodging arrangements.

Dates: January 13-15, 2009
Application deadline: November 23, 2008
For further information, please visit: http://ies.ed.gov/whatsnew/conferences/?id=378

3. Using the National Longitudinal Transition Study 2 (NLTS2) Database for Research and Policy Discussion (NCSER)

Description: The National Center for Special Education Research (NCSER), Institute of Education Sciences, U.S. Department of Education, will sponsor a 3-day advanced studies seminar on the use of the National Longitudinal Transition Study 2 (NLTS2) database. The NLTS2 is designed to support research on a wide range of topics pertaining to youth with disabilities as they move from secondary school into adult roles.

Type: Workshop/Training & Technical Assistance
Audience: This seminar is open to advanced graduate students and faculty members from colleges and universities nationwide and to researchers, education practitioners, and policy analysts from federal, state, and local education and human services agencies and professional associations.

Location: Washington, DC Applicants will be sent information about meeting and lodging arrangements.

Dates: January 13-15, 2009
Application deadline: November 23, 2008
For further information please visit http://ies.ed.gov/whatsnew/conferences/?id=379

Call for Proposals- 2009 CAERDA International Conference

Chinese American Educational Research and Development Association

2009 CAERDA International Conference
April 12-13, 2009

San Diego, California, U.S.A.

Conference Theme
Educational Technology: Enhancing Teaching and Learning
with Technology in the 21st Century


Submission Deadline: November 25, 2008

The Chinese American Educational Research and Development Association (CAERDA) warmly extends the invitation to solicit proposals for presentations at its 2009 International Conference on April 12-13, 2009 in San Diego, California, U.S.A. This annual event, held in conjunction with the American Educational Research Association (AERA), provides an exciting opportunity for educators, researchers, and policy makers from around the world to engage in scholarly exchange and invigorating dialogue on issues related to educational excellence and equity, particularly among Chinese and Chinese Americans.

The theme for the 2009 CAERDA Conference is “Educational Technology: Enhancing Teaching and Learning with Technology in the 21st Century.” Technology has redefined our educational processes and social structure. To better prepare students to meet the demands of this technologically advanced era, teachers and educators alike must consider the role of technology in facilitating learning and fostering cross-cultural understanding. While technology has been used in diverse learning environments and disciplinary areas to enhance instruction, more efforts are needed to understand a range of issues from the integration of new technologies to the assessment of their effectiveness. At this conference, we are particularly interested in research related to (a) the use of educational technology with the focus on Chinese or Chinese American students, and the Chinese culture or language; and (b) international studies that compare educational technology usage across different cultural, linguistic, ethnic, or socioeconomic backgrounds (e.g., comparing students and schools in the U.S. with those in China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong). Within this broad conference theme, the conference will focus on the following sub-themes:

Sub-theme 1: Enhancing teaching and learning through the use of technology (e.g., digital story, automated reading tutor, using computers in Chinese language instruction);

Sub-theme 2: Assessing the effects of using technology for instruction and learning (e.g., assessment of technology accessibility, assessment of student academic achievement or social competence, evaluation of educational computer software);

Sub-theme 3: Promoting effective technology use in distance or online learning (e.g., e-learning in foreign language, online AP courses in rural schools); and

Sub-theme 4: Examining policies and other issues related to educational technology beyond the classroom (e.g., digital divide, technological infrastructure, computer security, Internet safety for children).

In keeping with the CAERDA conference tradition, we also welcome studies on other areas of research and practice that may not directly relate to the conference theme but contribute to the understanding of important educational issues in the 21st century.

For more information on the Conference Call, please visit the CAERDA website (www.CAERDA.org) or the direct Conference site (http://www.caerda.org/conference.htm). The Online Proposal Submission System (http://caerda.org/conf/?q=node/2) is now open until November 25, 2008. Please direct your questions concerning the conference to Dr. Youmei Liu, Vice President and the Conference Chair (yliu5[at]uh.edu).

We look forward to receiving your proposals and seeing you at the Conference in San Diego.


Chuang Wang, CAERDA President (cwang15[at]uncc.edu)
Youmei Liu, CAERDA Vice President and Conference Chair (yliu5[at]uh.edu)

October 2, 2008

2008 Winter Clothes Shopping Trip 10/18 (2008冬衣採購)


時間:10月18日(週六) 上午九點半 Engelhart一樓集合
採購地點:Chicago Premium Outlets
(1650 Premium Outlets BoulevardAurora, IL 60502)
(630) 585-2200

報名截止日:10月13日週一午夜12點報名時 請註名:


It is getting cold. In order to help all members to survive the chilly winter, ROCSA will host the winter clothes shopping trip on Oct. 18.

Time: 10/18 Saturday, 9:30 Engelhart Lobby
Shopping Location:Chicago Premium Outlets
(1650 Premium Outlets BoulevardAurora, IL 60502)
(630) 585-2200

If you are interested in coming, please email back to rocsataiwan@gmail.com with your
Have a car or not (williness to car pool):
before midnight of 10/13 Monday

Thanks a lot!

10/4 西北大學台灣同學會迎新活動時間更改至晚上八點, Engalhart 1F


天公不做美,天氣冷颼颼。為了讓大家能保有強健的體魄繼續在這學期奮鬥,台灣同學會忍痛取消原訂的中午BBQ活動,改成晚上於研究生宿舍 Engalhart 一樓舉辦博弈交流大會(註一),現場提供台美兩地的各式風味小餅乾(註二),歡迎大家踴躍參加。


時間: 10/4 8 p.m.
地點: Engalhart 1F
費用: 5元/會員, 10元/非會員
繳費方式: 現金 (建議整數) 或支票(不具名)都可

註一: 何謂博弈?
註二: 非酒精飲料;台式點心,如沙其馬、蛋捲;美式點心,如Lays, Doritos。


會長 白凱文 Kevin Pai
副會長 葉世萱 Angela Yeh
副會長 賴建宇 Devon Lai
財務 Ruth Hen
公關 夏聖博 Jeff