January 17, 2008

號外號外 快來參加歲末圍爐活動喔!!!Hotpot Dinner

  • 時間:2/1(週五) 晚間六點半
  • 地點:老四川麻辣火鍋店吃到飽 (2172A S. Archer Ave., Chicago, IL 60616)
  • 費用:學生會會員一人15塊;非會員或是會員家眷一人20塊
  • 報名截止日:1/18(週五)前
  • 繳費截止日:1/25(週五)前,非芝加哥校區同學可以支票到1915 Maple Ave, apt#815, Evanston, IL 60201,支票抬頭Yu-chieh Mai

As we welcome the new "Rat" year, and as Chicago's weather becomes increasingly colder, come join the rest of the ROCSA members for a warm and fun hotpot dinner!
  • Date: 2/1 Friday) 6:30PM
  • Location: Old Sichuan All-you-can-eat Hotpot (2172A S. Archer Ave., Chicago, IL 60616)
  • Fee: ROCSA member - $15; Non-member - $20
    (Due to reservation purposes, we need to collect fees before this event. Thank you for your understanding.)
  • Registration deadline: prior to 1/18 (Friday)
  • Payment deadline: prior to 1/25 (Friday); Chicago campus students can mail their checks to Yu-Chieh Mai(1915 Maple Ave., Apt. 815, Evanston, IL 60201)
*Note: Old Sichuan charges $30/person including drinks, taxes and tips. ROCSA is sponsoring half of this amount, so the members only have to pay $15 (non-members $20). The main purpose of the event is to make everyone feel right at home during this time.

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會長 白凱文 Kevin Pai
副會長 葉世萱 Angela Yeh
副會長 賴建宇 Devon Lai
財務 Ruth Hen
公關 夏聖博 Jeff