January 25, 2008
January 22, 2008
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January 18, 2008
January 17, 2008
春節聯歡晚會,敬請熱烈報名參加!CHINESE NEW YEAR SHOW
- 時間:2/3 (週日)
- 地點:西北大學理工學院大禮堂
- 費用:門票$3
* 誠徵具有特殊才藝的同學們能踴躍登台表演,如果你有周杰倫一般的歌

Want to experience all the festivities for celebrating the new year across Asia? Want to interact with the Chinese comrades? Why not join the Chinese New Year Show?
Sponsored by Chinese Student Association, MASA (Medill Asian Student Association), and ROCSA
- Event: Performances include martial arts, fashion show, peacock dance, just to name a few. Many well-known speakers will also be in attendance
- Date: 2/3 (Sunday)
- Location: Northwesten University Tech Building Auditorium
- Fee: $3 entrance fee
* Looking for all students with a special talent they would like to share!! If you have a voice like Jay Chou, can shake it like Jolin Tsai or have incredible talent like the irresistable Wang Leehom, then you shouldn't miss the chance to share your talent! Besides this, if you can turn magic tricks or play the piano, please contact us and let us know!
號外號外 快來參加歲末圍爐活動喔!!!Hotpot Dinner
- 時間:2/1(週五) 晚間六點半
- 地點:老四川麻辣火鍋店吃到飽 (2172A S. Archer Ave., Chicago, IL 60616)
- 費用:學生會會員一人15塊;非會員或是會員家眷一人20塊
- 報名截止日:1/18(週五)前
- 繳費截止日:1/25(週五)前,非芝加哥校區同學可以支票到19
15 Maple Ave, apt#815, Evanston, IL 60201,支票抬頭Yu-chieh Mai
- Date: 2/1 Friday) 6:30PM
- Location: Old Sichuan All-you-can-eat Hotpot (2172A S. Archer Ave., Chicago, IL 60616)
- Fee: ROCSA member - $15; Non-member - $20
(Due to reservation purposes, we need to collect fees before this event. Thank you for your understanding.)
- Registration deadline: prior to 1/18 (Friday)
- Payment deadline: prior to 1/25 (Friday); Chicago campus students can mail their checks to Yu-Chieh Mai(1915 Maple Ave., Apt. 815, Evanston, IL 60201)
歡迎西北同學加入各校校友會!CLASS REUNIONS
No matter what the color of your uniforms were, green from Taipei First Girls' High, yellow from Ching-Mei Girls' High, Jianguo High, The Affiliated Senior High School of National Taiwan Normal University, Chung -Shan Girls' High, Kaohsiung Senior High, Kaohsiung Girls' Senior High (please excuse us if we forgot any schools), as long as you're interested, please let us know (EMAIL TO: ROCSATaiwan@gmail.com) which high school and college you attended. Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Chicago will provide contact information for Chicago's alumni reunion.
Hopefully you can relive the great times you spent in high school and college!
副會長 葉世萱 Angela Yeh
副會長 賴建宇 Devon Lai
財務 Ruth Hen
公關 夏聖博 Jeff